The homepage of Monika Kostera
Monika Kostera is a Polish sociologist. She is Professor Ordinaria in Management in Poland, holding a titular professorship in economics (2004) and the humanities (2017). She has authored and edited over 50 books in Polish and English and a number of articles published in journals including Organization Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior and British Journal of Management . Her current research interests include the imagination and organizing, disalienation of work, organizational ethnography and organizational and archetypes. Some of her recent books are Management in a Liquid Modern World with Zygmunt Bauman, Irena Bauman and Jerzy Kociatkiewicz (2015, Polity), Occupy Management! (2014, Routledge, see Review by Yiannis Gabriel) and Organizations and Archetypes (2013, Edward Elgar). She also publishes poetry. Her 2020 collection of poems, I am not Magritte, published by Wordcatcher, can be ordered here.
Zbiorek wierszy w języku polskim w sprzedaży tu.
New!! Album Songs to a Street Poet: music by Tommy Jensen, text by Monika Kostera
Page created and administered by Monika Kostera.
All photos hosted on this site by Jerzy Kociatkiewicz and Monika Kostera, if not stated otherwise. Some rights reserved.
I see angels and strange stars
outside my window
dreams from some other planet
closing in
Last updated on: 07. 09. 2022