Professional experience
Posts held
Visiting Professorships
Invited teaching
Invited research presentation
Other awards
Key note addresses
Courses currently taught
Courses taught in the past
International graduate courses
Other professional activities
Manuscript reviewer
Member of editorial boards
Supervision and opposition
Current research projects
Major consulting experience
Practitioner teaching
Conference organizer
Member of learned bodies
Research interests
Research projects
Pedagogical cooperation
Some citations
Date of birth: February 28, 1963
Place of birth: Warszawa, Poland
2017: Titular Professor (tytuł naukowy profesora) in humanities, permanent academic title awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland.
2004: Titular Professor (tytuł naukowy profesora) in economics, permanent academic title awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland.
1996: Habilitation (doctor habilitata) Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, Poland.
1988-1990: Ph D (doktor nauk ekonomicznych) Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, Poland.
1983-1988: MSc (magister) Management and Organization, Factulty of Management, University of Warsaw, Poland.
1980-1983: fil. kand. Behavioral sciences, Lund University, Sweden, University diploma of completed university programme (filosofie kandidat).
Posts Held
2024 - :
Professeure Invitée a
L'université Rennes
2024 - : Head of Social Management Unit at the University of Warsaw
2023 - : Professor Ordinaria in Management, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw
2021 - : Professor Ordinaria in Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw
2021-2022: Professor (at 10%) at
Institut Mines-Télécom Business School,
Université Paris-Saclay
2020: Considered competent as Norwegian Professor (Professorskompetens) in sociology by Research Review Committee, Agder University, Norway
2019 - Professor (5%) in Management and Organization, Södertörn University, Sweden
2018-2021 Professor and Chair, head of Department of Contemporary Culture, Faculty of Management an Social Communication, Institute of Culture, Jagiellonian University
2017-2018 Professor, Faculty of Management and Social Communication, Institute of Public Affairs, Jagiellonian University
2016-2017 Professor and Chair in Management, at Durham University Business School, Durham University
2014-2021 Professor Ordinaria (permanent professorship, appointed by Ministry of Education), Faculty of Management an Social Communication, Jagiellonian University
2014-2016 Chair in Management and Head of the Department of Organizational Anthropology and Methodology of Humanistic Management, Faculty of Management an Social Communication, Institute of Culture, Jagiellonian University
2015-2016 Marie Curie Incoming Fellow at Bradford University School of Management
Marie Curie Incoming Fellow at Leeds University Business School
2010-2014 Chair in Management and Head of Management Systems Department, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw
2009-2014 Professor Ordinaria (permanent professorship, appointed by Ministry of Education), Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw
2009-2010 Head of Organizational Innovations Unit (part of the Organization Theory Department), Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw
2000-2009 Professor of Management, Department of Organizational Innovation, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw
2006-2007 Research Director of Entrepreneurship Institute, Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweden
2005-2018 Professor of Management and Organization, Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweden
2002 Considered competent as Swedish Professor (Professorskompetens) in management by Research Review Committee, Linnaeus University, Sweden
2000-2002 Professor and Director of Centre for International Studies of Organizations at the Leon Kozminski Academy of Management, Warsaw
1997-2003 Professor of Management at the Leon Kozminski Academy of Management, Warsaw
1995-1997 Head of Department of Organization Theory, Leon Kozminski Academy of Management, Warsaw
1993-1994 Director of Graduate Studies Programme at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw
1991-2000 Lecturer, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw
1988-1991 Assistant lecturer and PhD student, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw
Guest Professorships
2023 - currently: Guest Professor at
Institut Mines-Télécom Business School,
Université Paris-Saclay
currently: associate member of LITEM, Université d'Evry-Val-d'Essonne, Université de Paris-Saclay
2021: Guest Professor at University of Warsaw, EMBA Programme, Poland.
2019- currently: Guest Professor
in Management and Organization, Södertörn University, Sweden.
2014-2018: Professor at the Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweden
2015-2016: Marie Curie Incoming Professor at University of Bradford, UK
2014-2015: Marie Curie Incoming Professor at University of Leeds, UK
2011-2017: Visiting Professor at the Universiet of Leicester
2010-2013: Guest Professor at Jagiellonian University
2008-2013: Visiting Professor at the University of Essex
2004-2005: Guest Professor at the Entrepreneurship Institute, Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweden.
1999-2002: Visiting Professor at the Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University
1998-1999: Visiting Professor at Bolton Business School
Invited Teaching
2012: Leon Kozminski Academy, Warsaw
2010 - 2012: Faculty of Management and Social Comunication, Jagiellonian University
2009: Essex Business School , Essex University
2005: Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa, Poznanń
2003 - 2004: Warsaw School of Social Psychology (SWPS), Warsaw
2001 - 2003: School of Management and Economics, Linnaeus (Växjö) University
1997 - 2000: Academy of Fine Arts, (ASP) Warsaw
1990 - 1996: International Management Center, (EMBA) Warsaw University & University of Illinois, Urbana Champaigne
1990 - 1998: International Management School, (MBA) Warsaw
1988: Warsaw Technical University, (Politechnika Warszawska), Warsaw
Invited Research Presentations
2024: The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
2022: CNAM:
Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de recherches en sciences de l’action
2021: EUROREG, Uniwersytet Warszawski
2021: Pracownia Pytań Granicznych, UAM Poznań
2021: Interdyscyplinarna Pracownia Współczesnych Problemów Humanistyki Akademii WSB
2018: Södertörn University, Stockholm
2018: Uppsala University, Campus Gotland, Sweden
2017: Gothenburg University, Sweden
2017: Sodertorn University, Stockholm
2017: Poznan University of Economics and Business , Poznań , Poland
2017: Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw
2017: Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Komisja Zarządzania Kulturą i Mediami, Mediów i Kraków
2016: Institute of Culture Seminar Series, The Jagiellonian University, Poland
2015: Nottingham Trent University, UK
2015: University of Bath, UK
2015: University of Bradford, UK
2015: University of Glasgow, UK
2015: University of Keele, UK
2014: University of Uppsala, Sweden
2014: University of Leeds, UK
2014: University of Venice, Italy
2013: University of Sheffield , UK
2013: University of Lincoln , UK
2013: University of Exeter , UK
2013: University of Cyprus, Nicosia
2012: Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk Technical University, Gdańsk
2011: Faculty of Management and Service Management, Szczecin University, Szczecin
2010: Faculty of Management and Social Communications, Jagiellonian Uniersity, Kraków
2008: Bristol Business School, University of West England, Bristol
2008: School of Accounting, Finance and Management, Essex University
2006: Institute of Industrial Economics, The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm
2003: Copenhagen Business School
2003: University of Humanistics, Utrecht, Holland
2003: Lodz University, Poland
2002: Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Holland
2001 - 2003: visiting professor, School of Management and Economics, Växjö University
2000: Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
1995 - 2000: visiting professor, Bolton Business School, Bolton Institute
1994, September: visiting researcher, Department of Business Administration, Lund University
1994, December: visiting researcher, Research Group Metropolis, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
1997: Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Interdisciplinary Research Group of Gender at the Department of Philosophy
1994: Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin
1996: Lappeenranta University, Finland
1997: University of Innsbruck, Austria
Key Notes, Panels and Inauguration Lectures
2024 Panel discussant at "Critical Futures of HE Organising: Problems, Possibilities & Pathways", The Baltic Sessions, Northumbrian University, Newcastle, UK
2024 Key note speaker at "
Nadzieje Zarządzania", Faculty of Management and "Solidarity" Trade Unions, University of Warsaw, Poland.
2024 Key note speaker at "Innowacje społeczne: Współtworzenie zmiany", June, SWPS, Warszawa, Poland
2024 Panel discussant "Bóg w nowych czasach", Dialogi Świętojańskie 14, Europejskie Centru, Solidarności, Gdańska, Poland.
2024 Panel discussant at "Justice sociale, justice environnementale et justice du travail", VIe Assises franco-polonaises, L'université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris.
2023 Inaugural address at Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw
2023 Key note speaker SCOS 2023 Paris
2021 Guest speaker at symposium Women in Management: Experiences from Central and Eastern European Countries, Kozminski University, Poland
2021 Guest speaker at NEON-2021 PhD Day, Norway
2021 Key note address at NEON-2021, Lillehammer, Norway
2021 Inaugural address at Sielce University Doctoral Programme
2021 (wraz z: Aleksander Temkin, Andrzej Leder, Maria Libura): debata Kim będziemy po Covidzie? Filozoficzne interpretacje..., Zamek Królewski w Warszawie, online
2020: debata Reżimy samodoskonalenia, wilogłos o mografiach FNP, online
2020 (wraz z:
Grzegorz Kołodko i Rafal Woś), debata na temat dochodu podstawowego, Transatlantyk, online.
2020: "Dyskusja wokół publikacji "Świat po pandemii. Nowe idee na nowe czasy”, Komitet Dialogu Społecznego, online.
2020: "Czy grozi nam załamanie gospodarcze? Aspekt pracy", Kongres Praca Nowa Solidarność 2020, Komitet Dialogu Społecznego, online.
2020: "Sztuka kolegialnego zarządzania", inaugural lecture at the Leadership Academy for Deans at Warsaw University.
2020: "Managing for the common good", at In/Visible Conference, Designs of Social Experience, Kraków.
2019: "Solidarity and the common good", at the Humanistic Management Network Conference 2019, Kraków.
2018: "Organizing and archetypes", at the Symposion Working Utopias, Tanzfabrik, Berlin.
2018: "Adventurers and Lovers: New heroes and heroines of organizing", Peer to Peer - Collective Practices in New Art, Muzeum Sztuki, Łódź
2018: "Do czego może się przydać anarchistyczne zarządzanie" Biennale Warszawa, Solidarnośc 2.0, czyli demokracja jako forma życia.
2017 (with Joanna Średnicka): "Poetry and Management" Critical Coaching, Bristol.
2017: "26.400 m2 konfliktu", Debata, Miasto w Budowie, Bar Studio, Warszawa.
2017: "Archetypy organizacji alternatywnych: Opowieści z terenu", Zjazd Katedr Zarządzania Zasobami Ludzkimi, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Łódź.
2017: "Czy zarządzanie pomoże nam odzyskać przyszłość?", Graduation lecture at Graduation ceremony, MBA @ UW, Warsaw University.
2017: Panel discussant, with Aleksandra Jasińska-Kania, Jerzy Kociatkiewicz and Andrzej Chrzanowski, Wokół myśli Zygmunta Baumana. BookBook, Kraków.
2017: Getting comfortable with leadership, Keele University
2017: Leadership in the "post-truth" era: Storytelling for good or evil? Portsmouth Business School's Centre for Strategy and Leadership, University of Portsmouth.
2016: Zarządzanie w płynnej nowoczesności. Spółdzielnia Ogniwo, Kraków.
2016: The significance of work: Stories and silences from the field, at 12th International Conference on Organizational Discourse, Silence, Significance and White Space, Amsterdam, July
2016: "What is the meaning of democracy today?", participant of debate at the Night of Science festival at the University of Warsaw.
2016: Stories of organzing and redemption at 11th OS workshop Symbolism, Spirituality, Storytelling, Mykonos, Greece, May
2015: together with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz, Ghosts of management, at the Ephemera workshop, The disjointedness of Time, Copenhagen, CBS.
2014: After the Interregnum? key note speaker at the Conference organized by The Instutute of Advanced Studies
2013: Quo vaditis management studies?, inauguration of the academic year, Gdansk University of Technology, School of Management and Economics
2013: The social activist as hero of the late liquid modern era, Key note address, SCOS, Warsaw.
2007: The use of myths and legends in organizational storytelling, Key note address, 12th Storytelling Seminar, Queen Mary, University of London.
2004: Images of women managers in the Polish business press. Workshop on female managers, entrepreneurs and the social capital of the firm, Brussels (Belgium), EIASM.
2004: Management in transition: Ethnographic pictures of East European Managers, Key note address, International Business in Transition Economies, Riga (Latvia).
2003: Organizations as a way of life. Inauguration lecture, Faculty of Management, Warsaw University, inauguration of academic year 2003/2004.
1988: Images of organizing, Inauguration lecture, Leon Kozminski Academy of Management and Entrepreneurship, inauguration of academic year 1998/1999.
1997: Images of organizing, Inauguration lecture, International Business Programme, Leon Kozminski Academy of Management and Entrepreneurship, inauguration of academic year 1997/1998.
Courses Currently Taught
Organizational Ethnography, The University of Warsaw
Ethnographic Studies of Organizations, The University of Warsaw
Strategic Management and Organizational Sociology, The University of Warsaw
Courses Taught in the Past (a selection)
Humanistic Sources of Organizational Creation, The University of Warsaw
Humanistic Sources of Organizational Creation, The Jagiellonian University
Organization Theory, The Jagiellonian University
Research Methodology, The Jagiellonian University
Corporate Entrepreneurship, Durham University.
People, Management, Organizations, Durham University.
Organizational Ethnography for doctoral students, The Jagiellonian University
New Trends in Management, The Jagiellonian University
Trends of Cultural Change, The Jagiellonian University
Organizations and Archetypes, The Jagiellonian University
New Projects in the Cultural Economy, The Jagiellonian University
Advanced Organization Theory, University of Warsaw.
Organization Theory, University of Warsaw.
Organizational Ethnography, University of Warsaw; Jagiellonian University.
Organizational Ethnography, International Business, University of Warsaw
Organizations in Media and Culture (with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz), University of Warsaw.
Field Studies of Organizations, International Business, Leon Kozminski Academy, Warsaw
Organization Theory, masters level students, University of Warsaw
Organization Theory, doctoral students, University of Warsaw
Organizing before 1989 in Poland, masters level students, University of Warsaw
Strategic Management
Organizational Change & Innovation
Organization Theory
Organizational Culture
International Management
Advanced Organization Theory
Symbolism and Interpretative Organization Studies
Interpretive Studies of Organizations
International Post-graduate Courses
Methodology for doctoral students at Institut Mines Telecom, Evry-Paris
Various courses taught at International Postgraduate Management Center (Executive MBA students), Warsaw University and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Various courses taught at International Management School (MBA students), University of Warsaw
Organizational ethnography taught at International Business (undergraduates), University of Warsaw
Organizational ethnography taught at International Business (undergraduates), Leon Kozminski Academy, Warsaw
2020: Rector’s bibliometric award
2019: Article The Modern Crusade part of the special issue celebrating 50 years of critical reflective scholarship on organization and learning, Management Learning
(together with Manchester Metropolitan University, Stockholm School of Economics oraz Krinova Incubator & Science Park, Swedish Council for Higher Education) Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership;
Project Title: Learning how to tell the good food story
European Union, Marie Curie Fellowship, Research Program: FP7
2014-2016: Vice Chairperson of the Committee of Media and culture Management at the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU)
2013: Vice Chancellors Research Award, School of Management, University of Warsaw
2012: Vice Chancellors Research Award, School of Management, University of Warsaw
2011: Vice Chancellors Research Award, School of Management, University of Warsaw
2010: Vice Chancellors Research Award, School of Management, University of Warsaw
2010: The Dean's Individual Award, School of Management, University of Warsaw
2009: The Dean's Individual Award, School of Management, University of Warsaw
2008: The Dean's Individual Award, School of Management, University of Warsaw
2007: The Dean's Individual Award, School of Management, University of Warsaw
2007: The article The three faces of leadership: Manager, artist, priest (2006) co-authored with Mary Jo Hatch and Andrzej Kozminski ranked as the third most downloaded article in the category Business, Management and Accounting of the journal Organizational Dynamics within the period Jan-March 2007.
2004, 2005: Warsaw University's Vice Chancellor's Award for Academic Merit
2004: The article The Modern Crusade (1995) considered to be among the best writings published in the journal Management Learning 1994-2004 and published in the jubilee book Essential readings in management learning (2004) edited by Christopher Grey and Elena P. Antonacopoulou.
1988: Award to Polish Top Graduates
1988: Polish Ministry of Education outstanding student award
1988: M. Sc. diploma summa cum laude from Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw (Poland), average grade 4.88 out of 5
1985, 1986, 1987, 1988: Awards for Academic Merit (outstanding student awards)
1993, 1994: Dean’s Award for top teachers, University of Warsaw
Manuscript reviewer
- Routledge
- Edward Elgar
- SAGE Publications
- Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne (PWE)
- Polskie Wydawnictwo Naukowe (PWN)
- Wydawnictwo Wydzialu Psychologii UW
- Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne (GWP )
- Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne (WAiP)
- Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck
- Academy of Management Review
- Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe
- Aesthesis
- British Journal of Management
- Problemy Zarządzania
- Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration
- Journal of Business Ethics
- Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion
- Gender, Work and Organization
- European Management Journal
- European Management Review
- Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
- Organization Studies
- Scandinavian Journal of Management
- Management Learning
- Organization
- Personnel Review
- Human Resource Development International
- Studies in Cultures, Organizations, and Societies
- Culture and Organization
- Master of Business Administration Journal
- Journal of Management Inquiry
- Human Relations
- Tamara
Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry
- Journal of Organizational Change
- Ephemera Journal - Critical Dialogues on Organization
- Evaluation: The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice
- Qualitative Research in Organization and Managament
- Critical Perspectives on Accounting
- Business Ethics Quarterly
- EURAM 2016
- 2009 Academy of Management, OMT and CMS divisions
- 2008 Academy of Management, OB division
- The Dark Side of Capitalism Case-writing Competition, Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary's University, Canada B3H 3C3
- Academy of Management, the OB division, 2007
Member of Advisory and Editorial Boards
Member of the Editorial Board of the following journals:
Advisory Board
of Publishers:
- Member of
International Advisory Board for Sage Handbook of qualitative business and management research methods
- Open Access academic book publishing program in Management, Business, Finance, by Versita
Previous Editorial Board memberships
- Journal of Managerial Psychology
- European Management Review
- Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
- Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l’Administration
- 2000-2009 Human Relations
- 1998- 2002 Studies in Cultures, Organizations and Societies
- 1998 - 2002 Human Resource Development International
- 1995 - 2001 Master of Business Administration Journal
- 1993 - 1997 Przegląd Organizacji
2024- Co-Editor-In-Chief, Tamara Journal for Critical Organizational Inquiry
- 2023- Culture and Organization, Associate Editor
- 2022 (with Anke Strauss) Guest Editor for the special issue of Culture and Organization, "Teaching what is not there: Engaging art in higher education on organizing and management" (3-4/28)
- 2021- Gender, Work & Organization, Associate Editor
- 2019-2021 : Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, Associate Editor
- 2012-2016: Management Learning, Associate Editor
- 2011: (with Beata Glinka) Guest Editor of the special issue of Problemy Zarządzania, "Antropologia organizacji"
- 2011: (with Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) Guest Editor of the speical issue of Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, "Organizing Transitional Space"
- 2011-2014: British Journal of Management, Associate Editor
- 2000-2012: European Management Review, Associate Editor
- 2004-2005 Book series editor at GWP, Poland
- 2000: Guest Editor of the special issue of Studies in Cultures, Organizations and Societies, "The Empty Space” (2000 6/1)
- 1998 - 2001 Book Review Editor: Master of Business Administration
Supervision and Examination
Full time supervision of Masters students on a regular basis
PhD students, successful completions:
Beata Glinka, Społeczne i kulturowe aspekty zmian organizacyjnych na przykładzie radia publicznego (Social and cultural aspects of organizational change: The case of the Polish public radio) University of Warsaw, December 2000, sole supervisor.
Tomasz Ludwicki, Modele współdziałania w organizacja projektowej (Models of cooperation in a project organization), University of Warsaw, September 2002, sole supervisor.
Dorota Dobosz-Bourne, Knowledge transfer across cultural boundaries exemplified by the transfer of quality in car manufacture from England to Poland, Luton University, July 2004 , external supervisor.
Agnieszka Postuła, Rola społeczna informatyka ( The Social Role of the IT-professional). University of Warsaw, April 2007, sole supervisor.
Przemysław Piątkowski, The work of God: An ethnography of Opus Dei, University of Essex, May 2009, external supervisor.
Sylwia Ciuk, Climbing out of organisational depression: Culture change project after a toxic leadership episode, Oxford Brookes University, October 2011, external supervisor.
- Marta Szeluga-Romańska, Rola menedżera w procesie komunikacji (The role of the manager in the process of communication), Gdansk Technical University, October 2014, sole supervisor.
- Henrietta Nilson,
Snacka om (o)synlighet: Familjeföretagarens nästa drag (Talking about invisibility: The game of family business), Linnaeus University, November 2015, main supervisor.
- Joanna Średnicka,
Organization, community, resistance.How romantic myths shape collaboration in a Company in the times of transformation.
The Jagiellonian University, June 2021, sole supervisor
- Marta Połeć, The Jagiellonian University, June 2021, sole supervisor
PhD students, work in progress:
- Julia Witeńska, UW, sole supervisor
Examiner, opponent (in the Swedish system an examiner leading a public defence) and reviewer (in the Polish system there is no examiner but instead two reviewers who write a detailed review of the thesis and also serve as examiners during the viva, a public defence before the Faculty council) Poland for doctoral theses
- Celina Strzelecka, Silesian University, October 2022, external reviewer
- Krzysztof Durczak, UAM, November 2023, external reviewer
- Christopher Conroy,
University of Technology Sydney, November 2020, external reviewer
- Tamas Lestar, Essex Business School, Essex University, February 2018, external reviewer
- Ronald Leslie Boddy, Heriot Watt University, September 2017, Edinburgh, external reviewer
- Agata Morgan, Jagiellonian University, May 2017, Kraków, internal reviewer
- Anna Kuźmińska, Warsaw University, June 2016, external reviewer
- Ivory Hillary, Open University, Milton Keynes, November 2015, external reviewer
- Urszula Gulan, University of Warsaw, November 2012, internal reviewer
Michał Zawadzki, Jagiellonian University, December 2011, external reviewer
Bartosz Sławecki, Economic University in Poznań, May 2009, external reviewer
Achilleas Karayiannis, Essex University, May 2009, external examiner
Krzysztof Klincewicz, Warsaw University, March, 2004, internal reviewer
Ulla Eriksson, Gothenburg University, May 2000, opponent
Anna Cregard, Gothenburg University, January 2001, opponent
Ann-Sofie Köping, Stockholm University, June 2003, opponent
Piotr Pilch, Warsaw University, December 2001, internal reviewer
Grazyna Wronska, LKAEM, Warsaw, January 2002, internal reviewer
Examiner of habilitation theses and collected work:
- Annika Skuglund, 2018, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Łukasz Sułkowski, 2014, Jagiellonian University, Poland
- Tomasz Ochinowski, 2014, University of Warsaw, Poland
- Roman Batko, 2013, Jagiellonian University, Poland
- Barbara Mazur, 2013, Jagiellonian University, Poland
- Bronisław Bombała, 2012, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski, Poland
- Thomas Andersson, 2009,
Högskolan i Skövde
Maria Jose Zapata Campos, 2013, Gothenburgh University, Sweden
- Ulla Johansson, 2006, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Examiner of professorship candidates:
- Beata Glinka, 2011, University of Warsaw, University Professor
- Przemysław Hensel, 2012, University of Warsaw, University Professor
- Bogusław Nierenberg, 2012, Jagiellonian University, Professor Ordinarius
- Jenna Ward, 2020, Leicester University, Professor
- Ilaria Boncori, 2020, Essex University, Professor
- Hans Rämö, 2021, Stockholm University, Professor
Member of examination committees of doctoral and habilitation defences at a number of Polish, Swedish, UK and French universities.
Examiner and reviewer of a large number of Master's dissertations at the University of Warsaw, Leon Kozminski Academy of Management, and at Linnaeus University.
External reviewer for the MBA Programme at Leon Kozminski Academy of Management
Management Consulting Projects and Expertise
2018 (with
Barbara Godlewska-Bujok and Wiesława Kozek) - expertise about the Bill for the Reform of Higher Education in Poland, for Solidarność Trade Union, University of Warsaw.
2010- expertise for the Humanistic University (Poland) launching a new postgraduate programme in Cross-Cultural Management
1988 - 1990 strategic turnaround project for INCO Veritas (company in the Polish consumer products industry), assistant consultant
1990 - 1991 privatization projects for Wólczanka SA and Próchnik SA (both organizations in the consumer products industry), two of the first seven Polish companies to be privatized after 1989, assistant consultant
1992 strategic positioning project for Unia Pracy (Polish Labour Party, created in 1992), project leader
1995 - 1997 strategic reorientation project for LOT Catering (organization in the consumer products industry), project leader
Practitioner teaching
- Mini-MBA for ABB Poland organized by Leon Kozminski Academy of Management
- Mini-MBA for the Polish Post Office
- PKO Bank Polski
- Mostostal Warszawa
- Ursus Włocławek
- and others
Conference Organizer
2024 Co-organizer with Malin Gawell, Peter Dobers, and
Ann-Sofie Köping Olsson
of track "The power of art and culture in sustainable cities and communities", ISDRS
2023 Member of Scientific Committee - Konferencja Innowacje Spoleczne: Wyzwania - Rozwiązania - Praktyki" at Uniwersytet SWPS, Warsaw
Co-organizer with Malin Gawell, Peter Dobers, Nor Zalina Haron, Rebecca Hilton and
Ann-Sofie Köping Olsson
of track "The power of art and culture in sustainable cities and communities", ISDRS Kebangsaan Malaysia
2022 Co-organizer with Malin Gawell, Peter Dobers, Rebecca Hilton and
Ann-Sofie Köping Olsson
of track "The power of art and culture in sustainable cities and communities", ISDRS Stockholm Sweden
2017 Co-organizer (with Michal Izak and Matthijs Bal ) of conference stream " Reclaiming Flexibility: ‘Workplace flexibility’ in the contemporary economy" CMS, Liverpool: Edge Hill University.
2016 Organizing Committee of "Managing Overflows" Warsaw Management Summit 2016, Warsaw University
2015 Programme Board of VI Scientific Conference organized by WSB Scoolf of Banking Gdańsk, Poland
2014 Programme Board of V Scientific Conference organized by WSB Scoolf of Banking Gdańsk, Poland
2011 (with Peter Case and Jerzy Kociatkiewicz), “Wisdom and organization”, stream at Critical Management Studies, stream co-organizer, Naples, Italy.
2006 (with Heather Hopfl) Art of Management, stream organizer, Krakow, Poland.
2005 (with Eva Gustavsson and Jerzy Kociatkiewicz) The Virtuality Challenge: Gender, organizing and the net, stream at Critical Management Studies 4, stream organizer, Cambridge University, Judge Institute of Management, Cambridge, UK
2004 (with Tomasz Ludwicki and Rudi Rozman) Transitions: Between Now and Then, stream organizer, EGOS Colloquium 20, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2003 (with Heather Hopfl, Ron Beadle, and Sanjiv Dugal) Management and Goodness 2 - Hidden Goodness, Marginal Goods, stream organizer, Critical Management Studies 3, Lancaster, UK.
2001 (with Bogdan Wawrzyniak, Zbigniew Dworzecki, Anna Fornalczyk, Grazyna Gierszewska, Wojciech Góralczyk, Witold Morawski, Jan Dąbrowski, Marcin Staniewski) "Cultural aspects of globalisation processes in contemporary organizations," workshop organizer, Report on Management, Warsaw
2001 (member of Conference Committee) New Directions in Organisational Performance, School of Operations Analysis and Human Resource Management, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, conference co-organizer, in collaboration with the Northern Branch of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Newcastle
1999 (with Heather Höpfl and Antonio Strati) Aesthetics II, conference co-organizer, Bolton Business School, Bolton.
1997 (with Andrzej K. Koźmiński, and Hugo Letiche) The Empty Space, 15th SCOS (Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism), conference co-organizer, Leon Kozminski Academy, Warsaw
1996 (with John Hassard, Heather Höpfl, and Burkard Sievers) Symbols of Oppression, conference co-organizer, Bolton Business School, Bolton.
Member of Learned Bodies & Professional Associations
2023- currently: elected member of the Polish Academy of Science (Committee of Sociology)
2021- currently: Centre for Advanced Studies, Member of the Advisory Board
2019-2021 : SCOS Member of the Board
2014: Vice Chairperson of the Committee of Media and culture Management at the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU)
2014- currently: member of Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU)
2005 - currently: Polish Sociological Association
2015-2020: Affiliate member of Community Animation and Social Innovation Centre - CASIC
2003 - 2010: European Group of Organization Studies
1995 - 1999 the board of the Standing Conference of Organizational Symbolism
1995 - 1998 Academy of Management
Research Interests
My main research area is, and has been for the entirety of my career, organizational sociology, cultural anthropology of organizing and organization theory. Current research interests involve ethnographic studies of organizations, and in particular: alternative organizations; organizational archetypes; the commons/ the common good. The core of these areas turns around sociological, ethnographic and organizational imagination.
Main Research Projects
1988-1990: The Swedish style of management and its implications for Polish management
1993-1996: Polish managers' approaches to the systemic transformation (ethnographic study)
1997-2005 (with Mary Jo Hatch and Andrzej Koźmiński): Dramatic aspects of management
1999-2003: Polish LGBT organizations (ethnographic study)
2012-2020: Alternative organizations in Poland and the UK (ethnographic study)
2021- currently: How artists work (ethnographic study)
Pedagogical Cooperation
- 1998 - 1999 Tutor of Joanna Jemielniak at Collegium Invisible, Warsaw
- 1998 - 1999 Tutor of Dariusz Jemielniak at Collegium Invisible, Warsaw
- 2001 - 2003 Examinor at Collegium Invisible, Warsaw
Some books in English quoting my work:
Amernic, Joel and Russell Craig (2006) Ceo-Speak: The Language of Corporate Leadership,McGill-Queen's University Press.
Barsky, Noah P. et al. (2008) The Power of Technology for Learning. Springer.
Bauman, Zygmunt (2000) Liquid Modernity, Polity Press.
Bauman, Zygmunt (2002) Society Under Siege, Polity Press.
Bauman, Zygmunt and Benedetto Vecchi (2004) Identity, Polity Press.
Boreham, Nicholas, Renan Samurcay, and Martin Fischer (2002) Work Process Knowledge, Routledge.
Clandinin, D. Jean (2006) Handbook of Narrative Inquiry: mapping a methodology. Sage.
Clegg (2001) The International Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate, John Wiley & Sons.
DuBrin, Andrew J. (2009) Leadership: Research , findings, practice and skills. South-Western College Pub.
Czarniawska, Barbara (1997) Narrating the Organization: Dramas of Institutional Identity, University Of Chicago Press.
Czarniawska, Barbara (2000) A City Reframed: Managing Warsaw in the 1990s,Routledge.
Czarniawska, Barbara (2004) Narratives in Social Science, Sage.
Czarniawska Barbara and Heather Hopfl (eds) (2002) Casting the Other: The Production and Maintenance of Inequalities in Work Organizations, Routledge.
Derr, Brooklyn , Sylvie Roussillon, and Frank Bournois (2002) Cross-Cultural Approaches to Leadership Development, Quorum Books.
Dunn, Elizabeth (2004) Privatizing Poland: Baby Food, Big Business, and the Remaking of Labor, Cornell University Press.
Elliott, Carole and Sharon Turnbull (2005) Critical Thinking in Human Resource Development, Routledge.
Furusten, Staffan (1999) Popular Management Books, Routledge.
Gabriel, Yiannis (2004) Myths, Stories, and Organizations: Premodern Narratives for Our Times, Oxford University Press.
Gallos, Joan V.& Edgar Schein (ed.) (2006), Organization Development, foreword by Edgar H. Schein, Jossey-Bass.
Grant, David , Cynthia Hardy, Clifford Oswick, and Linda Putnam The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Discourse, Sage.
Grey, Christopher John and Elena Antonacopoulou (2004) Essential Readings in Management Learning. Sage.
Hatch, Mary Jo and Ann L. Cunliffe (2006) Organization Theory: Modern, symbolic and postmodern perspectives. Oxford University Press.
Hatch, Mary Jo and Majken Schultz (2008) Taking Brand Initiative: How companies can align strategy, culture, and identity through corporate branding. Josey-Bass.
Hopper, Trevor and Zahirul Hoque (2003) Accounting and Accountability in Emergining Transition Economies, Elsevier.
Habisch, André, Jan Jonker, Martina Wegner, and René Schmidpeter (2004) Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe, Springer.
Jemielniak, Dariusz and jerzy Kociatkiewicz (2008) Management Practices in High-tech Environments. IGI Global.
Linstead, Stephen (2003) Organization Theory and Postmodern Thought. Sage.
Linstead, Stephen (2003) Text/Work: Representing organization and organizing representation. Routledge.
Pavlenko, Aneta , Adrian Blackledge, Ingrid Piller, and Marya Teutsch Dwyer (2001) Multilingualism, Second Language Learning, and Gender, Walter de Gruyter .
Peng, Michael W. (1999) Business Strategies in Transition Economies, Sage.
Prasad, Anshuman (2003) Postcolonial Theory and Organizational Analysis: A Critical Engagement, Palgrave Macmillan.
Roney, Jennifer (2000) Webs of Resistence in a Newly Privatized Polish Firm, Routledge.
Robins, Kevin and Frank Webster (2003) The Virtual University?: Knowledge, Markets, and Management, Oxford University Press.
Rugman, Alan M. and Thomas L. Brewer (eds) (2001) Oxford Handbook of International Business, Oxford University Press .
Smith, Adrian (2001) Work, Employment & Transition, Routledge.
Szejnwald Brown, Halina , David Angel, and Patrick G. Derr (2000) Effective Environmental Regulation: Learning from Poland's Experience, Praeger.
Tsoukas, Hardimos and Christian Knudsen (2005) The Oxford handbook of Organization Theory: Meta-theoretical perspectives. Oxford University Press.
Verdery, Katherine (2003) The Vanishing Hectare: Property and Value in Postsocialist Transylvania, Cornell University Press.
Ullmann, Arieh A. and Alfred Lewis (1996) Privatization and Entrepreneurship: The Managerial Challenge in Central and Eastern Europe, Haworth.
Holscher, Jens and Horst Tomann (2004) Money, Development and Economic Transformation: Selected Essays by Hajo Riese,Palgrave Macmillan.
Woodall, Joan (2004) New Frontiers in Human Resource Development, Routledge.
Project dedicated to food activism, Occupy the kitchen!, inspired by my work
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